life drawing in perth


Simply what the address says. This is a blog devoted to getting as much information about the various life drawing sessions in Perth out to people who are interested. If you know of any sessions in the city that are not listed here, please let me know and I’ll gladly put the info up.

I am Christopher, I run this site, as well as the Monday evening sessions at UWA. I started the site due to the fact that when I moved here I could not find any up-to-date info online about drawing sessions in Perth.

If you’d like to get in touch with me, the easiest way to do so would be via email on (just change the ‘AT’ to the symbol ‘@’).


10 thoughts on “About

  1. hey chris

    first, do you have “Mr Lambi’s” contact details? I have a friend who’s looking for an artist and i think his style might fit her bill.

    second, how about you write “fantastic model”, “was a pleasure”, “great poses” next to my name like you did with the rest of the models? 😉



    • Hi Jane, I’ve emailed through his contact details to you.

      In my defence, I did rush out two updates with that one post, so I could use that. But actually I decided that, going forward, using adjectives may not be the best idea as a person may consider ‘great’ to be inferior to ‘fantastic’, then I run the risk of upsetting someone, and that is the last thing I intend to do.

  2. Hi Chris may we add our sessions to your list?
    i organise the model ( in fact we have been having 2 models recently)on the first 2 sundays of every month at Atwell gallery, Canning Highway, Alfred Cove 93302800 9am til 12, $15 for MCAA members, one long pose for those of us that like to paint!
    Also Ken organises sessions for other 2 Sundays of the month and he also runs a session for painting at the Scout Hall in Draper St Floreat, 9 30 -12 30 every Friday. We need more artists as we’re losin money there at the moment.

  3. Looking for Life Models, excellent rates call Ben for further details on 08 9370 6287

  4. Ben,

    do you have to be experience Life model, or can you be a novice

    • Hi Karen (sorry about the late response), I’d recommend that you give Ben a call directly to find out what he’s looking for. I do imagine that he is at a Uni that they may be looking for a model with a bit of experience. One thing I’d recommend if you haven’t done it before would be to ask the person who runs the session if they would mind if you sat in on one and saw what it was like/what would be expected of you for the session.

  5. Thank you so much for starting this! I gave up looking when I moved here and now am terribly out of practice. I’ll be in touch about mondays at UWA.

  6. This is great. I will be moving to Perth this year and wanted to find out about some Life Drawing groups! Thanks

  7. Hey Chris, firstly thank you for starting this. I took your two classes and really enjoyed them. Secondly it would be great to see some photos on your blog. Just a suggestion. Kathy

    • Hi Kathy, I used to take photos back when the sessions had less people and it was easier to get around and talk to everyone during the break (take a look way back in the posts and you’ll see how regular they were). Now it’s become more like I take a few pictures over a month or two and post them in one big group (as opposed to doing it every week).
      But you are right, I need to get back into it.

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